Mission, Vision & Strategy | ESCP Business School



ESCP :Pioneering Excellence for Over Two Centuries

Since its establishment in 1819 ESCP has embodied innovation and international openness, becoming the world's first business school. With six campuses across Europe, ESCP has evolved over decades, strengthening its academic excellence and entrepreneurial vision. Today, its integrated European model and commitment to teaching humanities and new technologies illustrate the legacy and modernity of a pioneering institution.

Mission, Vision & Strategy

Our Mission

Rooted in its European history and identity, ESCP inspires and educates purpose-driven leaders who will positively impact the world.

By producing research-based knowledge disseminated through a unique pedagogical model based on systematic mobility across 6 urban and phygital campuses across Europe, ESCP delivers the best degree and non-degree business education programmes based on multiculturalism and interdisciplinarity to international high-potential students and executives.

Our Vision for 2025

Our vision is of ESCP as an international leadership school recognised for its multiculturalism and positive impact on business and society.

Our Strategy

Choice & Experiences
2022\2025 it all starts here with you

At the crossroads of our mission, calling for strong choices, and our vision, based on learning experiences, our four-year strategy aims to consolidate our unique, bicentennial and European model through four pillars.

Four Pillars



All companies, whether large international groups, family businesses, fast-growing start-ups, or governmental organisations, are being challenged by new talent needs.

Today, a leader will have an impact if he or she has both a global vision and an expert view. For instance: What are the implications of Big Data and Blockchain on your business, your market, and your people, nationally or globally?


In a non-profit business school like ESCP, the first pillar of our strategy is directly linked to our mission which is about inspiring and educating purpose-driven leaders.

We will therefore integrate sustainability into all our courses and processes.


ESCP is more than a school, it is a community. It’s a living and growing community, with a strong diversity of talents from all nationalities and origins.

Our ambition is to develop this spirit for a more committed, more inclusive, and more ambitious community.

Purpose and Innovation

Our school was created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. From Day 1, Innovation was part of our DNA. ESCP was the pioneer of multi-campus models - and we remain unmatched to this very day.

In all of our six capital cities we commit to provide a top-end learning and working experience. With the complete rebuilding of the Paris campus, the renovation in London, the extension in Berlin, the acquisition in Turin, and more facilities in Madrid.

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