ESCP Berlin Campus Scholarship Contest

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Dr. Markus Bick and the Bachelor in Management (BSc) team in Berlin are hosting a Scholarship Contest in 2024.


There will be 3 prizes to win which will be deducted from your first annual academic tuition fees:

  1. Prize = €8,950 
  2. Prize = €5,370 
  3. Prize = €3,580 

Who can apply?

Individuals who are interested in international business, have an entrepreneurial mindset and wish to start the BSc in Management programme at ESCP in September 2024.*

*You will only be awarded the scholarship if you successfully pass your admission session with the Berlin Campus and enroll for intake 2024.

Topic of the scholarship contest:

Our task for this year's competition:

Imagine you are an entrepreneur and you want to start your own coffee shop (anywhere in the world). Develop a persona (aka profile) of the typical coffee shop customer based on your ideal coffee shop.

What should you take into account?

  1. Location of the coffee shop
  2. Target group
  3. External factors (economy, regulations, etc)
  4. Competitors 

Application steps:

  1. Send your application consisting of CV + Persona in PDF format to by May 5th 2024 (11.59 pm).
    You can find a template for the CV here and for the persona here. Please note your persona is the character of the game instead of yourself.
  2. Approximately one week after the deadline, all applicants will receive an answer regarding the selection round.
  3. If you are selected, you are invited to attend the contest on Berlin campus on 3rd June 2024 followed by a community event.

If you have further questions, please contact us at


Organiser: Recruitment & Admissions Berlin Campus Team

Berlin Campus, ESCP Business School, Heubnerweg 8-10, 14059 Berlin - Germany



Start date: 03/06/2024

Start time: 10:00 AM

End time: 6:00 PM