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Responsible Innovation in Africa Chair
Attijariwafa Bank Joins the Axian Group Alongside ESCP for More Responsible Innovation in Africa

Since the 13th November 2023, the Attijariwafa Bank Group has strengthened its collaboration with ESCP Business School as part of a strategic partnership around the Responsible Innovation in Africa Chair.

This initiative is part of the dynamics promoted by the Group on a continental scale as a leading pan-African multinational, committed sustainably to developing skills and enhancing the capacities of its Human Capital.

This initiative holds particular importance for the Attijariwafa Bank Group in terms of partnerships with a globally renowned academic institution

The goal is to realise a strong ambition focused on supporting young talents and identifying skills within a framework based on inclusive growth, social, ecological, and environmental progress.

Thus, the chair brings together three leading actors, ESCP Business School, the Axian Group, and the Attijariwafa Bank Group, associated within the framework of an ambitious roadmap to contribute to the transformation of Africa for a sustainable future and the development of the human capital necessary for social and ecological transition.

This initiative is structured around the following axes

  • Create a specialisation course in Master 2 to jointly train young talents from top African schools and universities, as well as ESCP Master in Management students, in responsible innovation in Africa
  • Enable companies to strengthen their employer brand and students to develop promising career opportunities in Africa
  • Financially support African students to join this specialisation
  • Contribute to research and cross-expertise on responsible innovation in Africa.

Through this large-scale international collaboration, the Attijariwafa Bank Group reinforces its position as a pan-African actor committed to developing a resilient, innovative, and future-oriented Africa.

ESCP Business School is pleased to welcome a new partner for this chair, bringing together a multidisciplinary educational team under the banner of responsible co-construction in Africa.
