Martin Schmidt is a Professor in the Financial Reporting and Audit department. Martin joined ESCP Business School in January 2013, when he became chair holder of the newly created Chair of International Accounting on the Berlin Campus.
His experience outside university includes the technical department of Deloitte & Touche Germany (senior manager), the German Accounting Standards Board, and working for a German retail bank. He also had the opportunity to work with the relevant standard-setting institutions: the IASB, EFRAG, the European Commission, and the German Federal Ministry of Justice.
Martin’s main areas of interest include financial and sustainability reporting and auditing. Martin authored over 100 articles in leading professional accounting journals, edited books, as well as research papers in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review, the European Accounting Review, the International Journal of Auditing, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Accounting & Business Research, the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, and The International Journal of Accounting.
Martin is a member of several scientific associations, a member of the scientific committee of the European Auditing Research Network (EARNet), editorial board member and reviewer for various journals, and a member of the state Board of Examiners of the German Chamber of Public Accountants for Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Certified Public Accountants). He was a visiting researcher/professor at the University of Nevada (USA), the University of South Carolina (USA), and the University of Texas, Austin (USA). Before joining ESCP Business School, Martin worked at various other universities as a visiting professor or lecturer, and as an instructor within executive education for employees of banking institutions.
Martin holds a doctorate in economic science from the Freie Universität Berlin, where he also obtained his habilitation (German qualification for PhD supervision). He received additional education from the University of California at Los Angeles.