Jean-Michel Saussois is emeritus Professor at ESCP Europe Paris campus. He is a graduate of HEC and holds a Doctorate in Sociology.
His field of expertise is the evaluation and management of public policies and change management within public administrations and organizations.
He is a former Head of the national agency Anvie which produces and diffuses research studies in the social sciences for industry.
In 1990, the ministry, Hubert Curien, creates the ANVIE (National Agency for the Interdisciplinary Valuation of human sciences and society in companies) and Jean Michel will be the general director until 1993.
For many years Professor Saussois has worked as a consultant with OECD through the Center for Educational Research and Innovation and Government, public management division. He led a three year OECD project in the field of knowledge management resulting in the publication of a book “Knowledge management in the learning society 2001”.
Professor Saussois is a member of several editorial boards - : Sociologie du travail, Management et politiques publiques, La lettre de management public.
He is the author of many articles on organization, public management and knowledge management. He wrote a book, published in November 2006 and titled “Capitalisme sans répit” (La Dispute, Paris). His most recent book has been published in november 2007 with the publishing house La Découverte. The book concerns “organisational theories”.
Publisher of les organisation: états des savoirs in 2012, publishing of des sciences humaines, it was republished in 2016.