Executive Master in
Future Energy
Join the pioneers of the new energy revolution


Programme Objectives

  • Gain in-depth knowledge and perspective on a range of dominant energy technologies, industries, and markets
  • Experience first-hand three key European energy markets and their main technologies (available in blended option only).
  • Network with energy professionals from around the world
  • Future-proof your energy management career
  • Develop and implement a strategic mindset to address major energy issues in the corporate, entrepreneurial, financial, legal, social, or public sectors
  • Strengthen your multicultural and cross-functional skills
Teacher.  Spiros Papaefthimiou - ESCP Business School

Executive Master in Future Energy Global Academic Director
“On completing the programme, you will be able to influence the strategic direction of the businesses and organisations you will go on to lead, and be able to formulate a worldview that incorporates new imperatives…”


Key Facts

  • A flexible, 18-month, part-time executive programme with the option of 100% online or blended learning, allowing participants to combine their studies with a full-time job
  • Designed for students with a Master's degree and 5 years of professional experience, or a Bachelor's degree with 8 years of professional experience
  • Active learning experience delivered with state-of-the-art tools
  • Three European seminars (available in blended option) providing a unique international and multi-technology perspective
  • Taught entirely in English
  • Integrated International Consultancy Project
  • Delivered by world-renowned faculty and industry practitioners
  • Strong support from the Energy industry via our Energy Management Centre
  • Excellent networking opportunities offered by our 80,000-strong alumni
  • More than 40 professors and practitioners teaching on the programme


Two ways to study
18 months part-time

Designed for international professionals, the Executive Master in Future Energy offers a choice of online and blended learning. Both our online and blended learning will have hands-on learning opportunities with state-of-the-art learning tools and engagements with faculty and energy experts.


Participants will study online via live and asynchronous sessions and also attend three, one-week European seminars in London, Berlin and Madrid.


The flexibility offered by this option allows participants to study 100% online wherever they are in the world via live and asynchronous sessions. Participants will have the option to upgrade their studies to blended learning to join the three European seminars in London, Berlin and Madrid.

Learn more

For more information, contact us

Energy Management Center Logo

The EMC 's Mission is to build a strategic partnership between academia, industry and government, to debate the challenges of the new energy era. It provides a platform for international dialogue through a wide range of events, publications and academic programs.

The ESCP Energy Society is a student association based at the London Campus. Its aim is to engage ESCP students in industry related events, maximize networking opportunities, and help develop professional skills.


ESCP Energy Society Logo

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

Integration of ERS into ESCP's mission, governance, strategy and current operations

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Sustainability at ESCP

Page Last Modified : 13/09/2024