18/10/2024 (Federal Press Releases)

From the restoration of historic heritage to the creation of cutting-edge educational spaces, the new Turin Campus of ESCP Business School has officially opened to the public, welcoming over 1,000 students and faculty from around the globe.

17/10/2024 (Turin Press Releases)

Apre ufficialmente al pubblico il nuovo Campus di Torino di ESCP Business School: il campus accoglie oltre 1.000 studenti e docenti da tutto il mondo, consolidando il legame tra la business school e il capoluogo piemontese.

14/10/2024 (Federal Press Releases)

ESCP is rolling out ChatGPT Edu - an accessible option for universities to deploy AI to students, faculty, researchers and campus operations. In doing so ESCP will bring innovative AI-powered tools to enhance learning, teaching, research, curriculum development, and administrative processes at the leading business school.

14/10/2024 (Federal Press Releases)

ESCP Business School’s Executive MBA programme ranks #2 worldwide in the 2024 Financial Times ranking of the top 100 Executive MBA programmes. For the 2nd year in a row, ESCP’s EMBA also ranks #1 in Europe and holds the top position in every country where our campuses are located.

14/10/2024 (Berlin Press Releases)

Das Executive MBA-Programm der ESCP Business School belegt im Financial Times Ranking 2024 weltweit Platz 2 unter den 100 besten Executive MBA-Programmen. Die ESCP verbessert sich gegenüber dem Vorjahr erneut um einen Platz und festigt damit ihre Spitzenposition.

14/10/2024 (Federal Press Releases)

L’Executive MBA di ESCP Business School sale di una ulteriore posizione collocandosi al secondo posto a livello mondiale nella classifica annuale degli EMBA del Financial Times. Un miglioramento che sottolinea ancora una volta lo status della Business School come istituto leader anche nella formazione executive a livello globale.

26/09/2024 (Turin Press Releases)

Blue Factory, l’incubatore d’impresa di ESCP Business School, lancia From Zero to Startup, il nuovo percorso formativo gratuito aperto ad aspiranti imprenditori, innovatori e startup emergenti. Grazie al sostegno della Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo nel ruolo di ecosystem developer e il contributo della Camera di commercio di Torino.

25/09/2024 (Paris Press Releases)

Le nouveau MSc en Management du Luxe, un programme international destiné aux futurs managers du secteur du luxe, débutera le 27 septembre 2024 sur le tout nouveau campus de Turin.

24/09/2024 (Federal Press Releases)

The new MSc in Luxury Management, the international study programme aimed at future managers in the luxury sector, will begin on 27 September 2024 at the brand-new Turin Campus.