Student Experience · 13/12/2024
ESCP Master’s students share how running helps them find strength, bond with peers, and connect to the world they want to protect.
Programme Spotlight · 13/12/2024
Exploring the future of the Food & Beverage industry with the Academic Director of ESCP’s MSc in International F&B Management.
Women in Finance chair · 12/12/2024
On November 28th, the Women in Finance Chair hosted its Employer Branding Case Study Competition Final, held online and involving a diverse group of stu...
Executive Education News · 12/12/2024
The 15-month programme is delivered entirely in English and features seminars in London, Dubai, and Paris.
Madrid News · 11/12/2024
ESCP Business School fue el escenario de la presentación del libro «Israel: historia de una guerra permanente» (Sekotia) de Eduardo Olier (Madrid, 1949...
Research · 10/12/2024
The third Research Day on Globalisation and preceding doctoral workshop...
Blue Factory Events · 09/12/2024
The event also celebrated the 15th anniversary of Blue Factory in Europe.
Sustainability Programmes · 09/12/2024
L'ESCP comble cette lacune croissante en matière de compétences écologiques grâce à des programmes de formation continue, permettant aux professionnels ...
Sustainability Programmes · 06/12/2024
ESCP is bridging this growing green skills gap through continuing education programs, enabling professionals to drive sustainable innovation and meet th...