Jean-Baptiste Say Institute
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Over the last 10 years the Entrepreneurship Chair has been developing an alternative method for teaching and understanding entrepreneurship.
With the support of its network of European researchers and entrepreneurs, the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute now aims to train entrepreneurs and leaders from around the world in entrepreneurship and, using the ESCP platform, provide them with a unique opportunity to access the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Europe.
A few words from
René Mauer,
Professor ESCP Business School
European Coordinator of the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute

René Mauer,
Professor ESCP Business School
European Coordinator of the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute
“ESCP Business School has been training and supporting entrepreneurs for two centuries. It has done so with its groundbreaking expertise. As early as 1819, Jean-Baptiste Say, a renowned economist and co-founder of the school, defined the word entrepreneur for the first time. Today, the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute is inventing new methods for teaching students how to be entrepreneurs in an uncertain world. It is no longer simply a matter of possessing knowledge, but of being able to question this knowledge in order to reinvent ourselves and transform the world around us.”
René mauer, Professor, European Coordinator of the Jean-Baptiste Say Institute
The Institute aims to:
- Become the European benchmark for research and expertise in entrepreneurship with the support of its team (40 researchers and international experts).
- Develop unique methods to become the leading institute for entrepreneurial leadership training for students, entrepreneurs and managers (20,000 individuals trained over 10 years)
- Support projects by providing a comprehensive solution to help them succeed, from founding to acceleration (over600 startups over the last 10 years).
- Art Thinking (with Stanford and the Centre Pompidou)
- Corporate Entrepreneurship (with Babson College)
- Digital Transformation (with MIT)
- Business models (with Ecole Polytechnique)
- Studies and research
- Incubation & acceleration
- Conferences, workshops and events

Professor ESCP
European Coordinator of the Institute
Berlin Coordinator of the Institute
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Professor ESCP
London Coordinator of the Institute

Professor ESCP
Madrid Coordinator of the Institute

Professor ESCP
Paris Coordinator of the Institute

Assistant Professor ESCP
Turin Coordinator of the Institute
Focus on...

17 February 2022
Take a look at what kept us busy in 2021!
News & Events
Research & Publications
Impact Paper
Building uncertainty competence: Applying the entrepreneurial method
May 2020
This impact paper looks upon the global Covid19 crisis as an event that created massive worldwide uncertainty at an unprecedented speed. A
Written by Martin Kupp and René Mauer
Pas D’Intelligence Artificielle Intelligente Sans Humanités[FR]
9 Décembre 2019
Il est urgent de reconsidérer la place des humanités et des sciences sociales, dans un monde toujours plus digital.
Written by Sylvain Bureau
Silicon Valley : La Fin Du Chauvinisme Technologique Tout Puissant ?[FR]
6 Décembre 2019
Cet écosystème entrepreneurial emblématique offre d’une certaine façon un bon indicateur des réussites et défaillances du système Américain.
Written by Sylvain Bureau
The Conversation
Le piège du pitch[FR]
9 October 2019
Et si la pratique du pitch influait les projets de start-up, plutôt que de simplement les présenter ? Ou quand l’outil se retourne contre son créateur.
Written by Romain Buquet
Managing Innovation Portfolios – Principles Before Tools
9 July 2019
Newly appointed VPs of Innovation have been popping up in every company these days but an innovation portfolio framework without strategy is a performance, not a useable tool, and to manage it you need to know what to optimize for and be creative.
Written by Martin Kupp with Lean Startup coach Tristan Kromer
Family firms’ need for control and equity financing decisions
30 Jun 2019
Family firms can attract investor interest, yet owners are often reluctant to offer equity. New research indicates that concerns of potential interference and emotions are two of the key issues.
Written by Martin Kupp
Major corporate failures have more in common than you’d think, and can be avoided
16 jun 2019
Once-leading firms such as Chrysler, Citigroup, Dunlop and Nokia have one thing in common: they failed. While each case seems unique, research points to key processes that lead to corporate failures.
Written by Christoph Seckler
Création d’entreprise : quelle idée pour se lancer ?[FR]
22 feb 2019
Le salon des entrepreneurs fourmille d’entrepreneurs talentueux qui viennent dispenser leurs conseils en termes de création d’entreprise. Nicolas Rohr de Faguo, Paul Morlet de Lunettes pour tous, Pauline Laigneau de Gemmyo et Kamal Bounajma de Homerez ont échangé sur les bonnes idées pour se lancer lors du débat d’ouverture du salon parisien.
Written by Matthieu Barry
Free Your Pitch, Un Livre-Méthode Pour Faire Des Présentations Percutantes[FR]
21 nov 2018
Faire une présentation avec l’assurance de respecter les fondamentaux du ‘storytelling’, tel est selon ses auteurs, Corine Waroquiers et Sylvain Bureau, l’objectif de l’ouvrage ‘Free your pitch’ et du logiciel Storymakers qui l’accompagne.
Published by Jo Cohen
Comment créer des pitchs percutants [FR]
15 jan 2019
Exposer son idée ou son projet de façon remarquable. C'est le but d'un pitch réussi. Dans le livre Free Your Pitch, les auteurs Corine Waroquiers et Sylvain Bureau nous dévoilent des astuces pour optimiser vos présentations.
Published by the writing staff
Corporate accelerators: bringing together startups and large firms to foster innovation
27 mar 2018
Start-ups are innovative and agile, while big companies have abundant resources. Corporate accelerators bring them together, and a new case study outlines best practices.
Written by Martin Kupp