Internet of Things Chair
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Automation, cities, health, transportation energy… The IoT is a reality that affects many sectors in B2B and B2C. This is a new step in the digital revolution and participates in the construction of a new society.
The IoT appears as a crucial component of digital transition: objects now have the ability to transmit contextual information and be networked to communicate.
The IoT Chair, headed by ESCP professor Sandrine Macé, was initiated in 2016 with the support of Schneider Electric, Société Générale Assurances and Valeo under the aegis of the ESCP Foundation. The Chair has worked on a variety of managerial issues of the IoT. In its second edition, the Chair, supported by Schneider Electric, aims to deepen the theme of value creation downstream of the IoT value chain: how can IoT, a driver of the company's digital transformation, enable the development and implementation of new business models?

A few words from
Sandrine Macé
Professor at ESCP Business School
Scientific Director
“The IoT is a new step in the digital revolution and participates in the construction of a new society. Here are my motivations for engaging in the creation of this research chair:
- My first conviction is that a business school such as ESCP has the objective to train students to become future managers of IoT companies.
- My second conviction is that a chair must be rooted in business reality: we are co-creating and moving forward together with our partners, Schneider Electric and Valeo. The themes of the classes, the priorities and areas of research, the projects to be carried out by students, the topics of meetings and conferences, are discussed and chosen by the steering committee.
- Finally, my third conviction is that a diversity of viewpoints is always a source of wealth. Consequently, ESCP has decided to develop cross-functional discussions drawing on the expertise of several companies at the forefront of IoT and of its professors in several fields of expertise: strategy, information systems, innovation, legal marketing, etc.
I wish that students, companies and professors, will thus actively participate in the digital transition.”
Sandrine Macé, Professor at ESCP
and Scientific Director

A few words from
Steffen Stang
Senior Vice President Software Strategy
Schneider Electric
“Schneider Electric uses the ‘Internet of Things’ technology to address and solve customer challenges differently and efficiently. Some problems are old - like minimising downtime in a production process - while other challenges, such as addressing sustainability or regulatory compliance requirements, are emerging.
We rely on the connectivity of things, the resulting data and advanced insights from analytics and Big Data, as well as our active control capabilities, to unlock new customer value through our solutions and services.
While the changes in technology may be evolutionary, IoT is creating a revolution as much in our existing business models and management practices, as in our clients’.
We believe this research chair, along with Schneider Electric's collaboration with ESCP, will offer students an opportunity to both learn and shape these emerging practices and position themselves at the forefront of tomorrow's IoT- enabled workforce.”
Steffen Stang, Senior Vice President Software Strategy at Schneider Electric
Overview of the first 4 years, 2016-2020
The IoT Chair was born out of the desire to support students, companies and professor-researchers in investigating and understanding the business and managerial issues related to digital evolution and the development of connected objects.
The guiding thread of the Chair's activities has been the issues related to actors and strategies and organisations, individuals, innovation and skills, ethics and law, and social issues.
Within this framework, activities to produce and disseminate knowledge on the managerial challenges of the IoT have been carried out: creation of a specialisation of 120 hours of courses followed by a total of more than 140 ESCP students, learning expeditions, company projects proposed, prize for the best dissertation on the IoT, writing of white papers and academic articles, cases, public conferences…
Also, projects in the pipe include an IoT for sustainability course and a study trip to Grenoble to visit the various Schneider Electric sites.
Vocation of the Chair for 2021-2024
The second edition of the Chair dedicated to IoT focuses on how IoT is an accelerator of the digital transformation of companies and enables the development of sustainable business models.
Bringing together companies, students and professor-researchers around the theme of IoT and the digital transformation of companies, developing teaching, high-level research and knowledge anchored in the expectations of companies... this is the new roadmap of the IoT Chair.

Scientific Director

Associate Researcher
at Chair IoT ESCP
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Ethics IoT: what are the solutions?
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IoT without ethics: what are the risks?
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