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Erasmus grant
ESCP Berlin is a member of a large international network of higher education institutions participating in different areas of the ERASMUS+ programme.
Mobility support for your Internship
ERASMUS+ Scholarship for internship funding rates for 2023-2024
Group 1
Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Group 2
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City
Group 3
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia,Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Turkey
General Eligibility Criteria
- you are a full-time student enrolled at ESCP Berlin (both EU and non-EU-citizens). Traineeships of doctoral students and graduates can also be supported; Please note:
Students enrolled in a Specialised Master Programme based on Berlin Campus should direct their applications and questions to Berlin Campus. Bachelor andMaster in Management students applications are administered through Paris Campus – for more information please see tab “Paris Campus”. - your internship takes place in one of the listed ERASMUS+ Programme countries;
- you have language proficiency in the planned working language;
- your internship is full-time (min. 35 hours/week) and it provides you with valuable hands-on job experience and digital skills;
- your internship must last between min. two and max. twelve months;
- your internship takes place at an eligible host institution such as public/private, small, medium or large enterprises; public bodies at local, regional or national level; chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions; research institutes, foundations; schools/institutes/educational centres or HEIs, non-profit organizations, associations, NGOs; bodies providing career guidance, professional counselling bodies and information services
Not eligible are:
- internships in Germany or countries of permanent residence (no cross-border mobility character);
- internships at EU institutions and other EU bodies and institutions that manage EU programmes (e. g. national agencies);
- internships with the duration of less than two months;
- internships that have already started cannot be funded retrospectively;
- Erasmus+ funds may support you for 12 month within one study cycle (Bachelor, Master, and PhD). Your internship cannot be funded if the quota of 12 months within the same study cycle has been used up;
- internships for which you already receive grants or funding through another EU-programmes
Terms of Grants Allocation at ESCP
The selection is made centrally by the Erasmus+ coordinator. The selection criteria are divided into qualitative and formal criteria. The formal criteria are completeness of the documents, accuracy of the information, plausibility of the information, compliance with the formal requirements and deadlines or, if applicable, the agreements made. The qualitative criteria are professional motivation for the internship and the embedding of the internship in the course of the study.
Please note:
There is no legal entitlement to provide funding under the Erasmus internship programme. The mobility grants are awarded on the basis of the availability of funds.
ESCP has an Erasmus+ budget set annually by the European Commission. Grants are awarded on the basis of the amount available. Mobility grants for internships in Europe are allocated at ESCP for a 3,5 months mobility per person. Longer mobility periods can be taken into consideration. However, they depend on budget availability.
An eligible student must comply with the obligation linked to the Erasmus status.
Students with special needs
Supplementary support is available from the National Agency to assist with additional costs incurred by those with physical, mental or health-related conditions. Your Erasmus+ coordinator will give you advice on the application procedure.
Application Process & Deadlines
Applications for ERASMUS+ mobility funding are accepted on a rolling basis but should be submitted no later than 6 weeks before the start of your internship. E. g. students of Specialised Master-Programmes starting their internship on the 1st of May should apply no later than the 20th of March.
Phase 1: Application
Please apply six weeks before the start of your internship with the following documents (in English or German, to be sent to erasmus.berlin@escp.eu):
- Application Form
- CV
- Motivation letter (1 or 2 DIN A4 pages)
- Confirmation of internship (contract or E-mail, if available)
- Current letter of enrolment
- Current transcript
Phase 2: Agreements before the stard of the internship
ERASMUS+ coordinator checks your application and nominates you for ERASMUS+ mobility grant four weeks before the start of your internship. The following steps need to be undertaken to formalize the process before you start your internship:
- Sign the Learning Agreement for Traineeship (digital)
- Provide proof of medical, liability and accident insurance
- Sign the hardcopy Grant Agreement
- Conduct an online language test (working language of your internship)
Phase 3: During and after the internship
- Upon arrival in your host country, you will receive the transfer of the 1st mobility grant rate (80%)
- You engage in your internship and language practise
- Submission of the Internship report and learning agreement after on the last day of your internship
- Submission of the EU Survey (+ online language test) within 30 days of the end of your internship
- You receive the 2nd scholarship rate (20%)
Andrea Gommans
Erasmus grant
ESCP Madrid is a member of a large international network of higher education institutions participating in different areas of the ERASMUS+ programme.
Voir cette page en :
Erasmus grant
Erasmus Charter
Download the charterErasmus Strategy
Erasmus Strategy Statement 2021-2027
ESCP Business School aims to attract the best international students (EU and non-EU) to its Masters and PhD programmes, to enhance student mobility within and outside Europe and to develop joint academic research.
- To achieve this, we develop partnerships with the best academic institutions. We favour partners with academic excellence and international recognition and accreditation (AMBA, AACSB, EQUIS).
- We wish to strengthen our presence in Eastern Europe, South East Asia, Latin America and Africa.
- Our goal is to recruit the best international students, especially from these regions, and also to offer more destinations for international mobility - exchange and double degree programmes - of our Master in Management (MiM) students. Staff mobility in Europe is also promoted to encourage the exchange of best practices.
Finally, we promote double degrees so that our students have academic recognition in the host country if they wish to establish themselves there.
ESCP Business School, as a global European business school with 5 campuses (Paris, London,Berlin, Madrid, Turin), promotes European education and values.
It aims to:
- contribute to the development of European academic excellence and promote European diversity through the increasing recruitment of European students and student mobility;
- train our students in the European specificity and values that European companies need; we hope to contribute to the training of European citizens that our students are and will become
- to develop cooperation with the best European academic institutions for joint research projects, for example on the theme of financial regulation, innovation, or public-private partnerships (PPP) in Europe;
- to strengthen European funding through alternative sources of funding.
For example, we intend to implement these projects with the help of the new Erasmus programmes, the so-called new generation. Without a strong involvement in these Erasmus programmes with close European partners and without the accompanying European financial support, these programmes would be considered incomplete.
Financial support for your mobility in Europe
The Erasmus+ scheme enables students to receive a financial grant for a study period and/or internship in European countries (list below).
You can benefit from this grant regardless of income conditions for study periods. See the section ‟eligibility conditions” for traineeship mobility.
Please note that no grant is processed until the student receives official approval from the Erasmus Team.
Erasmus+ scholarship
Grants are indexed against the cost of living in the country in which you are staying. You’ll find here after the grant amount per month.
Group 1
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Study mobility
Group 2
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands
Study mobility
Group 3
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
Study mobility
In order to benefit from Erasmus funding, the conditions must be met:
- Go abroad (see the European Commission website)
This means mobility to another country - academic exchanges or internships cannot take place in France nor in a student's home country (nationality or country of residence). - Be physically present in the host country
Physically travel to the host country of the exchange programme or internship (remote format not valid).
Please note:
Mobility between ESCP Campuses is not considered as Erasmus Mobility. - ESCP students - full-time or apprentice, both EU and non-EU citizens -, either on an academic exchange with a European university that has signed an Erasmus+ agreement with our school, or on an internship in a country participating in the Erasmus+ programme (European Union member states + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey). Minimum 2-month mobility maximum 12 months for study Mobility/6 months for internship.
Apply at least two weeks before the start of the internship.
Eligible programmes
- Bachelor in Management
- Master in Management
- MSc or Specialised Masters (Marketing & Communication, Marketing & Creativity, Marketing and Digital Media, Auditing & Consulting, Finance, International Business Law & Management, Direction financière et opérationnelle, International Wealth Management, International Project Management, Digital Project Management & Consulting, Strategy & Organisation Consulting, Big Data and Business Analytics, Digital Transformation Management & Leadership, Hospitality & Tourism Management, International Food & Beverage Management, Media Management, Biopharmaceutical Management, Energy Management, Real Estate)
Terms of allocation
Grants for internships in Europe are allocated under restrictive conditions:
- Students receiving internship allowances (salary, expenses refund, housing and/or transportation allowances...) equal or above €1,200/month (twice the amount of the French average monthly minimum wage for Student Interns) are not eligible for the grant
- Grants are allocated for a maximum of 6 months even if the internship period is longer
Please note:
the internship must be accepted on the JobTeaser platform prior to apply for a scholarship.
The eligible student must comply with the obligation linked to the Erasmus status.
Students with special needs
Supplementary support is available from the National Agency to assist with the additional costs incurred by those with physical, mental or health-related conditions. Your Erasmus coordinator will give you advice on the application procedure.
Inclusion and diversity
Inclusion and diversity are a strong priority of the European Commission. Therefore, the aim of the Erasmus Program is to promote equal opportunities for students who have fewer opportunities because of their social, economic or cultural background, their disability, their origin or their place of residence.
The Commission has defined 5 criteria which allow the students concerned to receive a top-up grant of €250 to the monthly Erasmus scholarship.
You will find hereafter the list of the criteria and the supporting documents to be provided.
*MDPH: Maisons départementales des personnes handicapées (Departmental centres for disabled and handicapped persons)
Bourses Erasmus+
Erasmus grant
ESCP Turin is a member of a large international network of higher education institutions participating in different areas of the ERASMUS+ programme.